
Is your digital advertising alive?

One of the best things to happen to digital media in the past couple of years is how easy it has become to create multi-media content. From adding pictures, movies, or slide shows, the possibilities for creating dynamic content to your website or blog are endless.

And easy. Forget about needing to know how to program. In most cases, with just a flick of the "upload," "copy," and "paste," commands, your content is created, uploaded, and alive.

With all the ease of use, there is just one thing to remember: make it strategic!

Since multi-media content is so simple to use, like social media, it can be all to easy to approach it with a "I'll post it because I can" attitude.

And while it may be a nice decoration to your website or blog, if it is not working toward communicating your particular strategic marketing goals - getting more customers to visit, selling more of a particular product, etc. - it is not working as hard as it can be to bring your small business results.

For this post, I've included a little show that I created in PhotoPeach as an example.

It's Not Rocket Science on PhotoPeach

The Strategy
One of my strategic marketing goals is to get new clients and to do that I usually need to quickly show small business owners what Simple does and how we can be of value to their companies. To that end, the topic of the show I created is to breakdown exactly what Simple does in the most basic way.

The Creative
Content: For the content of the show I used familiar images that I've included on my website, blog, social media, and business identity materials. In this way I am providing viewers with a consistent look and feel that will help make Simple more familiar at a glance. The messaging is also consistent: we take something complicated like marketing and advertising and make it simple for our clients to use with great results. The copy is also simple; short, quick-to-scan sentences that users don't have too work hard to read.

Music: I used the free service of PhotoPeach, so the music is one of the free choices that they offer users. I looked for something light and soothing, but also a song that users are familiar to hearing related on funny content, such as cartoons. Peace of mind and humor are two things I like to bring to clients, so I felt the music worked well for this goal.

Call-to-action: The final slide has the look and feel of the Simple website and the URLs of our website and Facebook pages. In this way, we are inviting users in and giving them an easy way to interact with us further.

Now, Simple can use this content in several ways. We can post it here on the blog and then create a link on Facebook that invited our friends to come take a look and learn more. I can also use it as I'm out and about talking with potential clients. Just flip open the laptop, pull it up, and twenty seconds later I've provided a fun way to explain what Simple does.

Want to learn more about strategically adding multi-media to your advertising efforts? Shoot me an email at julianne@simplesbm.com.

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