
Five for Friday

It's hard to compete with streaming Royal Wedding festivities and tornado tragedy in the South, but if you are ready for a coffee break from your coffee break, here are today's Five for Friday:

Today SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives) national launches their new website and new branding. SCORE is a free service organization that provides small business owners with expert advice and assistance in starting up and running their companies. The new site features a cleaner, more contemporary look and feel and easy-to-scan copy and navigation. SCORE has also introduced a new theme line, "For the Life of Your Business" which is marvelous because it points to two great facts about the organization: they help bring your business to life when you're just starting out and they provide continued resources and support as your business grows. Yes, Simple is both a client and a fan.
(Source: SCORE.org)

Like Gowalla (which we discussed last week) FourSquare is a location-based app that people use to let their friends and followers know where they are and what they're up to. There are rewards for the users (like badges, awards, and special savings for frequent check-ins) and for business owners alike. With a community of 8 million users, a new interface that makes it easy for businesses to participate, and the fact that it is FREE to use, there are some good reasons why you should consider adding this tool to your small business marketing strategy. This easy-to-follow How To article has screen shots and simple overviews of how and why to use the tool.
(Source: Mashable)

"Charitable marketing" is a hot buzz phrase in marketing these days, especially for the "big guys." But chances are, as a small business owner and a part of your community, you've been engaged in charitable marketing for years. Buy an ad for the local high school yearbook? Allow the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts to hawk their fundraising treats in front of your shop? You're doing it. This brief, easy-to-scan article has some good tips for taking it to the next level and some reasons why. (One word of caution though: the article mentions paying bloggers to help you spread the word. Before offering bloggers cash to write about you, make sure you know what their particular policies on the subject are. Many bloggers would consider being paid to write their opinions a conflict of interest.)
(Source: SmallBizTrends)

When you're creating your social media content strategy, looking for "conversation starters" or ways to engage people into communicating with you is key. This article presents seven fun and effective strategies for doing just that. Again, with minimal cost outlays and a moderate effort posting content and really communicating with your followers, social media proves to be a cost-effective brand and relationship builder that pays off in the long run. In fact, a current Simple client began running a promotion this week that is similar to one of these concepts. We'll be posting her results in a case history soon.
(Source: AmEx Open Forum)

And now for the fun one:

Whether you're a fanatical foodie or just someone who wants to find the best burger or burrito in your area, Foodspotting is for you. Touted as "a visual guide to good food and where to find it," Foodspotting basically enables people to take and easily upload pictures of their favorite restaurant food to share with their friends and the whole Foodspotting community. With a website, smartphone app, and Facebook page, Foodspotting provides many access points and ways to interact, or play with your food. They also have different themed days and topics, which keeps the content fresh and topical. Bon appetit!

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